
Agricare Enterprises (AE) is a Tanzanian consulting enterprise registered in 2000 in Dar Es Salaam. Reg. No. 126338 and TIN no. 100-410-346. It was established to meet the evolving need in Tanzania for agriculture environmental related, livestock projects and advisory services, and to provide an enabling working environment for putting to use the rich expertise and experience of local agro and livestock professionals.

Agricare aims at promoting responsible development of society through the harnessing of individual and group enterprise so as to achieve the highest good for the greatest number of people and ensure that provision of livestock advisory services meets optimum requirements.

Being a local consulting firm, AE is the springboard for local contacts to most of the key livestock players in the country including farmers in the villages and Local Government Authorities on one hand and the Central Government and donors on the other hand.


Agricare has been fully involved in the on going dairy sector reforms in Tanga. Having lived through the transition it has participated through the various stages of the reforms. These include research, training, management appraisals, management systems development, livestock and agricultural advisory services, provision of livestock inputs, provision of Artificial Insemination services and visiting farmers’ sites to evaluate and assess their progress, problems and assess solutions in participatory approach.